Cultural heritage and social inclusion. Pedagogical framework and guide for the self-assessment of teaching strategies.
Cultural heritage and social inclusion. Pedagogical framework and guide for the self-assessment of teaching strategies.é-Luis-López-bastías.jpg 600 600 delyramus delyramus professors of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos who elaborated the pedagogical framework, announce that this text, titled Cultural heritage and social inclusion. Pedagogical framework and guide for the self-assessment of teaching strategies has been sent to the publishing house. The framework that presents teaching and learning methodologies and perspectives for adult students with and without disability will be published as a book, and in open access, by the prestigious publishing house Octaedro. The provisional text is already available on the web page of the Delyramus Project. It contains, among others, chapters on social and work inclusion, cultural heritage as a way to promote employability of people with disabilities, the Universal Design Paradigm applied to training, and strategies for the improvement of the learning process.
On the picture: José Luis López Bastías of the editorial team.
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