Director del programa Delyramus en Zaragoza

Javier Martínez, director of the School of Violeros of Zaragoza, talks about the Delyramus project

Javier Martínez, director of the School of Violeros of Zaragoza, talks about the Delyramus project 640 427 v1rtu@l

The Delyramus project wants to recover 14 extinct instruments of which reference is made thanks to paintings made at the end of the 19th century. XV and early XVI. The work will be carried out manually and maintaining the manufacturing processes of the time. In this project, 16 students from different parts of the world and various degrees of specialization will collaborate.

The objective is to achieve the integration of people with disabilities or at risk of exclusion from the cultural heritage of violeros that the city of Zaragoza had during the s. XV.

Read the interview: El Periódico de Aragón