Photography and audiovisual communication
Photography, as an artistic discipline applied to intervention in inclusion, contemplates all activities based on Photography, which can be guided by oneself or as part of a group project, but where formal therapy is not being given and there is no the presence of an involved therapist.
The main objective is to generate a positive change in people, couples or families and even covers the social area, where the objective is to improve well-being, reduce social exclusion and create positive change in a community. Photography is a flexible tool that crosses cultural and linguistic barriers and can be adapted to all abilities. It allows an accessible way to describe realities, share perspectives and increase knowledge of social and global problems.
Photography promotes self-knowledge, well-being, improvement of family and social relationships, activation of positive social change, reduction of social exclusion, strengthening of communities, improving the capacity for visual analysis, etc.
The techniques proposed by therapeutic photography have to do with emotional communication, so it is not necessary to have previous experience with cameras. It can be especially interesting for people with verbal communication difficulties due to physical, psychological and emotional reasons, as well as situations of social exclusion.
On the other hand, audiovisual communication also provides great benefits in the field of inclusion and disability since:
- It is a multisensory communication system since both the visual and auditory fields participate, where iconic contents prevail over verbal ones.
- Creates an emotional impact as it activates the sensitivity before the intellect.
- It favors the learning of a new language: different perspectives, dialogues, scripts, editing…, promoting the creative, the expressive and the artistic, using different tools: lights, colors, images, sounds, characters, rhythms of expression, …
Today, everything is visual, social networks often work only with images, we make ourselves known to the world through them. The visual always breaks communication barriers, so many times they are perfect for making a message known, which otherwise would not arrive, which favors the visibility of the group.
Proyecto empoderarte
El proyecto EMPODERARTE, financiado por el Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza consiste en la creación de itinerarios de inserción sociolaboral alternativos a través del desarrollo de actividades relacionadas con el arte, la comunicación on-line…
Photography exhibition “PIES”
This exhibition brings together 40 photographs taken by students from the ‘Espacio Visiones’ and the creativity workshop of the UME (users with mental disorders). To carry out this work, the participants in the project have photographed a large number of feet…
Online communication
Online radio: During the year 2017, the radio activity continued with the live broadcast on radio. MAI of a program of 2 hours per week and a participation of 16 people with mental health problems in a stable way. In the group new members…